Highway Incident Tips - Everyone Goes Home

"What is the objective of this ride-out?", the Deputy Sheriff asked me.
"At the end of the shift... you and I are going home."
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"What is the objective of this ride-out?", the Deputy Sheriff asked me.
"At the end of the shift... you and I are going home."
Sure, it's the law that you have to move over (and/or slow down) when emergency vehicles are stopped at the roadside. But lives are still being lost while we're trying to save others.
There ought to be a law. And there are. Plenty of them. But why is that not enough?
Maybe there's too much LED and Xenon light on scene -- potentially blinding or distracting motorists. Too much red. Not enough amber. You drive where you LOOK!
There are recommendations I have read, that would drastically reduce warning lights, once traffic control is established.
Please take a moment and read the linked presentation.
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